Thses pages are where you can find out everything you've every wanted to know about Amiga usergroups in the UK. All the latest news from UK usergroups, local events, even where your nearest usergroup is can be found right here on these pages.

News - The lastest news from the UK Amiga scene.

Usergroup Database - A list of all the Usergroups in the UK. Currently subdivided by geographic regions we have big plans afoot to develop a fully searchable usergroup locator. If you're in a usergroup and it's not listed here then fill in a submission form right away.

Lost Souls - No usergroup in your area? Then register in our lost souls database, tell us where you live and we'll put you in contact with other Amiga owners in your area.

Events - Details of Local and national events organised by AmigaSoc for user groups to participate in.

Frequently Asked Questions - What's it all about then? All your questions answered.

Contact Details - Want to get involved? got any comments, questions? Here's who can help you.